Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Ok. I am horrible at blogging. BUT - I need a HUGE favor!
I have created a reusable grocery bag for Smith's Grocery  and the winner gets $1000 gift card.
I am currently at 53 votes and need over 250 more by the end of the month. 

It is important for me to achieve these votes as I will be donating half to my local food bank!

Please vote daily! Share with everyone you know!

I appreciate your support greatly! Let's feed the hungry!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Wow....I am sorry...I am just not doing very well at this bloggin thingy! So...I thought I would start this post off by saying...Thanks for to those who are sticking around. I have done a few pictures in the last little while and although I am still debating with myself about how far I am going to take this, for now...I will be photographing for fun.

I love color! 

   There is always something special about baby toes....

I enjoy a really good sunset...or sunrise for that matter.....

......and I NEVER underestimate the power of LOVE!